11 min readOct 16, 2020

On 16 October 2020, Poolz conducted an AMA in the Cryptoscreen Indonesia Community. Our guest is Tn. Guy Oren, CEO of Poolz and Liam Cohen, CMO of Poolz.

Lots of questions as usual from the Community about Poolz progress. The Poolz team took part in a very interesting AMA session which included introductions, questions from twitter, and a live AMA session with the Cryptoscreen Indonesia community. If you missed the AMA in person, read this recap for a deeper insight into Poolz .

Let’s take a look at the most interesting points of our conversation.

Segment 1: Introduction

Samuel Yabes: Hello , @MR_oreng @LiamPoolz welcome to our Community.

Liam Poolz: Hi everyone, great to be here

Guy Oren: Hi all, great to be here as well.

Samuel Yabes: Before we go to the first Session , Can you introduce yourself to our community?

Liam Poolz: The tree of us are tech serial entrepreneurs with a history of working in the computer software and blockchain industry.

Guy Oren: First great to be here. We are 3 founder, CEO, CTO & CMO

Poolz is a decentralized, layer-3 swapping protocol for cross-chain auctions of Fungible and Non-Fungible (NFT) tokens, as well as OTC deals. The core code is optimized for DAO ecosystems, enabling startups and project owners to bootstrap liquidity for their crypto-assets, prior to listing.

Samuel Yabes: How does the Decentralized Layer-3 swapping protocol in Poolz work? And how does Poolz implement in DeFi?

Liam Poolz: Layer 3 is the place where general applications developed on the second Layer could be used for develop specific solutions. Using smart contract or atomic swaps or lightning networks for APIs, developers can integrate and build applications that serve a narrow and specific function. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is one of the application built on the third layer, and here Poolz for this space we are aiming Poolz.

Basically, there are two categories of Poolz users:
-B2B — Project Owners (DeFi) or Pool Creators
-B2C — Investors or Liquidity Providers (LP)

Project owners side — can initiate a pool by clicking on the ‘Create a Pool’ button. Since Poolz follows a strict non-intervention policy, project owners or POs need to specify following parameters as: The token address, The total supply,The asset for payments, The swapping ratio, The total duration of the pool.

Liquidity providers / investors side — Poolz has a marketplace-like UI, where liquidity providers or LPs will be able to browse all pools hosted on the platform — past, ongoing, and upcoming. At this stage, the investors will have preliminary access to the following information about the pools: Opening Time,Closing Time, Time Left,Token Name, Payment Method ,Swapping Ratio, Status. Moreover, liquidity providers can claim rewards in POZ for contributing to the network and in proportion to their contributions, LP will gain a percentage of the total liquidity deposited over the current week. At the beginning the rewards calculation will be every 4 Hours, can be changed by governance in the future.

While we speak about DeFi, regarding the code Poolz supports fully homomorphic encryption, and Poolz library enables a secure swapping layer and OTC Trading on an encrypted, decentralized environment.

Poolz embarks on a long-term mission to disrupt and fully decentralized liquidity auctions. The project is built with a vision to facilitate greater interoperability through cross-chain interactions in order to provide to the ecosystem a fully decentralized environment.

The code implements DeFi structures such as a fully decentralized system, every sales layer (swapping pools, NTF, OTC, auction deals) will be public and build on a smart contract including Staking mechanism and Governance decisions will be an integral part of the Poolz ecosystem. Furthermore, as a company, Poolz is non-custodial and all funds on the platform are held in auditable smart contracts.

Samuel Yabes: Will Poolz also focus on staking in the future?

Guy Oren: Sure, Poolz designed uniquely for DAO ecosystems. Regarding staking: POZ token holders will be able to generate annual passive income from their POZ tokens, by staking them in specific ERC20 wallets. As an incentive, POZ holders will gain staking rewards.

Samuel Yabes: What will Poolz offer to users in the future?

Guy Oren: POZ token holders will be able to get access to exclusive pools, better swap ratios, earn passive income from their tokens by holding them in staking wallets and voting over the governance infrastructure for future plans.

In all of our features POZ holders will get benefits and batter condition depends on their holding percentages.

Samuel Yabes: What Benefits do Innovators and Investors get in the Poolz project?

Liam Poolz: As Poolz investor I believe what is more interesting beyond the token, the platform and regular parameters is the knowledge that will enable you the opportunity to be part of a strong society culture with a target to impact dictating the laws to the decentralized world. To be part of a 100% DeFi company from the early stage that seeks to solve any problem and provide any solution by decentralized infrastructure. In order to exercise your rights will give you the option to vote for that under the Governance model and to be part of our ecosystem.

Samuel Yabes: Poolz manages to raise $180,000 in seed sales through private equity and token sales. And whether Poolz will do another token sale such as Private sale/Public sale. If it is true that there is a token sale, when will it be done?

Guy Oren: Actually our Private sale is currently running (finalizing it soon) while focusing on strategic investors. We will also planning to schedule a small allocation event to our community members.

Segment 2: Questions from the Twitter

Question 1: regarding POZ tokens. Do you plan on implementing some way to use POZ tokens in addition to acting as an investment method through trading and betting? What is your long term vision for the forecast industry in which the $POZ project operates?

Liam Poolz: As a technology company we are aiming to provide a cross-chain alternative in the space while we will implement our feature with the Poolz platform. Let me share with you servel of our future plan that already under development for POZ use cases on top the staking & trading:

1. NFT — Under Poolz platform NFT holders will have the possibile to sell their NFT in bid sales mechanism.

2. Token Factory — One step before fully cross-chain

3. TrsutSwap — posibilitie for escrow accounts

4. Rev-share — In the future POZ holder will be part of the platform revenue from commission

In all of our features POZ holders will get benefits and batter condition depends on their holding percentages.

Hope it’s answered the question

Question 2: To archieve a good performance the interoperability is absolutely necessary, so can you tell me how is possible to Poolz have that Awesome interoperability? Which is the technology responsable of this?

Guy Oren: Being at the forefront of technology is our main goal.

Our objectives in order to achieve our targets: In the decentralized ecosystem we can compare the smart contract by creating a “puzzle” structure that everyone could take a part in. For example, developers can build either a small or a big function that can complete the bigger picture of a smart contract and share it with the ecosystem.

This means that the existing technologies that we are using hopefully will be a tool that other projects will use as an additional simpler way to build their products.

Question 3: with many cases the defi token is a scam after listing on dex. What guarantees can you provide to prevent this from happening on your platform? And are there any special features that you have that others don’t have?

Liam Poolz: To tell you we could isolate it 100%? That would be a lie because we are still talking about decentralization .But what I can say is that we have created a mechanism that will provide you as an investor a tool that will help you with the DD before you look to buy a new token.

There are a number of tactics that can be used and intargre in our system in order to help investors make the right decisions. For example, during these days we are examining an option to collaborate with a number of companies in the field who provide smart contract audit solutions in order to give a “stamp” for every token that will be available in our platform.

As said before, we really aim to keep everything decentralized, and at the same time we are working hard to provide to our traders the most advanced tools that can help them check the due diligence.

Question 4: Where did you get the inspiration for this unique project idea of Poolz ? And what influence will we have on the crypto industry due to the project?

Guy Oren: The idea of Poolz came up as our own idea, the founders participated in a number of early-stage token sales over the past few months. In some of them we have achieved good results in terms of ROI, and in others we get some “scams” and in this point we understand that the existing model has a few improvements to do. In this stage we “jump” to a deep research in order to investigate this issue and understand what exists in the market today, what the problems are and how we can make a better solution accessible to the ecosystem. and as said, the rest is history. Welcome to Poolz.

PoolzDeFi build the first cross-chain decentralized environment architecture designed uniquely for DAO ecosystems. Hope this will be the effect for the industry.

Question 5: You have currently integrated on ERC 20 blockchain which has some issues like high gas fee and low speed. Do you have any plans to integrate with other blockchains or launching your own mainnet?

Liam Poolz: I wish we have the chance to chat again in 2–3 week from now as we are about to announce another Blockchain integration with our system as a direct answer to your question.

Regarding the gas issue under the ERC20 so yes the gas fee right now is definitely high. Our development team led by the CTO had made many efforts to significantly lower the gas fee costs in our system and I can already share to you data from our testant when we were able to lower the costs compared to our competitors in the market (75% less).

Please find below more information from the progress:

The Poolz code architecture is clean, modular, and decluttered. Following a minimalistic approach to code development, the platform ensures resource-optimization, such that only the essential data is anchored on the blockchain and in the best-suited format. Together, the practices ensure a perfectly balanced and minimal gas fee for transactions on the Poolz platform.
As per the latest tests, the cumulative gas used for transactions was 284322, costing a gas fee of $23 (given, ETH = $350).

Samul Yabes: One personal question from me. Can you please explain the $POZ tokenomics ?

Guy Oren: The POZ tokenomics allocated and on top of the we built a strategy that always provide benefits for POZ holders in Pool platform. Let me share with you our token economics:

Swapping Rewards: 37%
Staking: 35%
Private & Public Sale: 15%
Team & Advisors 10%
Liquidity Fund: 3%

Our vision is that the governance will be an integral part and participate in the voting system and take part of the decision making of Poolz.

Segment 3: Free/Live Questions

Telegram User: What are Poolz marketing plans to do to attract more users as well as investors in the upcoming time?

Liam Poolz: First of all, this is a great question and we are aware of the importance of this aspect At the level of PR, we work and are accompanied by “Market Across”, a leading company in the field that works with top brands as “Binance”, “Polkadot” and Tron. We plan to launch a significant PR campaign starting starting within the next week, which will include reviews and articles on leading technology and economic sites.

In terms of marketing, we are connected to a number of well-known communities and crypto influencers who will help us spread Poolz to the world.

We work also to establish communities run by local community leaders in various countries such as Vietnam, Korea, Japan and more.

we will forge strategic collaborations with leading blockchain companies, in order to allow them to do cross chain swaps on Poolz platform — our ultimate customers, as part of an agreement with each blockchain we plan a joint PR campaign. The collaboration will bring new relevant users to the platform.

Telegram User: Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Guy Oren: Great question! Sure, as part of our long term strategy our aim is to keep and increase the token value. We are putting a lot of efforts in order to define a strong strategy and to build a burning mechanism that will be implemented from day one at Poolz Platform.

PoolzDefi will follow a Limited Top Value burn policy, using 16.667% of its daily earnings to market buy POZ tokens (up to 20% of total supply) and burn them. This, in turn, will enhance the ROI for the entire POZ holder community, by enhancing the token’s inherent value.

Telegram User: Can you tell us what are the main benefits of a $POOLZ holder? For investment purposes, why do we have to invest in $POOLZ & what benefits does $POOLZ give to holders?

Liam Poolz:
1. Pools Benefits for POZ Token Holders
swapping rewards:
Liquidity providers get swapping rewards for participating on the Poolz network, in proportion to their contribution and the total liquidity deposited over the current week. Swapping rewards on the platform will be calculated and disbursed every 4 hour and in weekly cycles. However, this can be altered by governance in the future.

2. Access to exclusive pools: As already mentioned, every pool on the platform is limited to POZ token holders for an initial duration after its launch.

3. Access to better swap ratios: Exclusive pools also offer special discounts for POZ token holders, thus enhancing the possible returns for liquidity miners.

We have on our pocket some additional innovative and creative futures that will incentivize the POZ token holders.

Telegram User: DeFi is one of the hottest topics in the blockchain field. Can you share your opinion about DeFi with us? Do you think DeFi will destroy the existing financial system? What’s your project Approach towards DeFi?

Guy Oren: Absolutely the Defi is the hottest topic in the space and there is a reason for that. As the infrastructure and the ecosystem recognize that the most important issue in order to grow is continue to build the Defi space provide the best solution for this issue.

Due to the decentralized motive that anyone can be part of a bigger picture it attracts many investors and developers that help to increase the “trend”.
Regarding the future there is a reason why the top blockchain infrastructure such as Binance chain, Solana, Eos, Polka. and more provide numbers of accelerators and programs that focus only on companies best on Defi.

At Poolz we aim to keep all the projects and technologies under fully decentralized world even when we spoke about Cross chaine which by now have a big problem to use the Cross chain under decentralized and we are already halfway to find a solution the will help the ecosystem

Telegram User: Partnerships seem to be very important. How’s the status of Poolz partnerships? Can you share some of the partnerships you have formed with existing blockchain foundations recently?

Liam Poolz: Completely agree, in the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing some really exciting news including a roster of new investors & partners who will become a part of our journey toward DeFi innovation. These will include top brands and well known blockchain companies in space.

Samuel Yabes: Thank you for answering questions from our community. Before ending the AMA, do you have anything to say to our Community? Before us open Chat again.

Guy Oren: Thank you everyone it was a great pleasure to be hosted in your group. Hope we answered all of your questions as our time is limited. We were not able to answer everyone but please feel free to DM us if you have more questions.

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